How do I link to a specific section of a Lesson?

Sometimes, you might want to link to a specific section of a Lesson, so that you don't need to scroll down to get to the content you care about. These links are useful, for instance, if you're creating a PowerPoint presentation or similar resource to use while teaching a class, and you want to quickly reference something mentioned in one of our Lessons.

You can create a link that takes you straight to a specific section of a Lesson. Here's how.

First, open up the Lesson you'd like to link to. Here's one you can practice on.

Scroll down to the section you want to link to.

Press and hold the option or alt key on your computer keyboard. You'll see a bunch of yellow outlines appear around sections of the Lesson.

Move your mouse pointer over the section you want to link to. It will turn yellow.

Click once on that section. You can now let go of the option/alt key.

Next, take a look at the address bar at the top of your web browser, where it says (You may need to click there to see the full address.) The address should now end with the text ?focus=n, where n is a number. You can now copy the complete address and use it as a link.

When you click one of these links, it'll take you right back to the section you selected. You can continue to scroll down through the lesson as normal. If you try to scroll back through earlier pages than the one you linked, you'll see a button that says Show All Pages. Just click that button, and you'll be free to scroll up to your heart's content.

One thing to note: you'll need to be logged-in to LunchBox Sessions if you click a link to one of our paid lessons, or else you might not be taken to the correct section.

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