How reliable is your website? How many people can use it at the same time?

Our infrastructure dynamically scales up and down to meet the realtime demand from users. Even if thousands of employees from your company all use LunchBox Sessions at the same time, they will all have a fast and fluid learning experience.

Our website is hosted on servers powered by Amazon AWS, the largest provider of cloud infrastructure in the world. We use Amazon CloudFront to store redundant copies of our learning resources at datacenters in over 100 locations across 5 continents. This improves resiliency in the event of a large scale upstream internet outage, and ensures a fast load time no matter where in the world you use LunchBox Sessions.

We aim to keep the website live and responsive 24/7/365. We have maintained higher than 99.95% global uptime across the entire history of our service, and now typically achieve 99.99% global uptime per year. We have multiple tiers of automated monitoring in place to help us ensure your access to our learning materials anywhere, anytime.

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98.4% positive feedback this month. Nice.